Celestial Workings: Saturn

Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and is the furthest planet we can see from Earth with the naked eye. It is most commonly recognised by its fantastic ring system, which was discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610. Saturn is said to have 62 confirmed moons…

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This week’s Tarot: 08.04.2019

We started the Sunday Spread last week, but unfortunately there was no time to get the cards out and write about them yesterday! So instead, we will do it today. We are still at the beginning of the week – my calendar starts on a Monday – so I think we’re safe. So let’s begin. First, you will need to...

READ MORE This week’s Tarot: 08.04.2019


In the Celtic tradition, it is said that the two major festivals of the year are to celebrate the coming of summer and the onset of winter. Beltane in April/May and Samhain in October/November (both spelt a variety of ways) are the names given to these two seasonal ‘gateway’ celebrations…