Tag: paganism


In the Celtic tradition, it is said that the two major festivals of the year are to celebrate the coming of summer and the onset of winter. Beltane in April/May and Samhain in October/November (both spelt a variety of ways) are the names given to these two seasonal ‘gateway’ celebrations…


Altars and Their Uses

A special place where you burn candles, maybe some incense, in an arrangement you like can be classed as a simple altar. The more mainstream religions sometimes set the impression that an altar can only be in a place of worship- this isn’t the case, and an altar can be anywhere…

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Sea Magic

The tides, the wind, the feel of the sand on your feet and just the smell of the ocean is enchanting in itself. Many people simply honour the sea for what it is usually seen as- a turbulent yet beautiful vista which slowly but surely erodes all it touches…